Thursday 14 September 2017

Batch Project

Every year students have to design and produce a commercial product which they can sell. It's a real challenge to make a collection of identical products within budget and to a standard where they can actually be sold. 

Lisa Parker's response was brilliant.  Her design was based upon the Garden of Eden and was unashamedly decorative. She made a card which made a little set within which you could place small cut-out animals and Adam and Eve. Exquisite.

Charlotte Brooks created a brilliant body of work including 2 books and 2 badge cards...pure genius. Charlotte has an interest in medical illustration and education. She is currently developing a range of merchandise including books which is aimed at a younger audience. 

Kate Bruce or Kate Monstrous as she likes to market herself produced a strange creature all cut from plywood using a laser cutter and then painted. The hinges were made from pins and cogs and allows the legs to be moved. It was a labour of love in that the technical demands were unfamiliar and had to be learnt in order to make five animals all fully working.  The yellow friend is much more humble made from painted card.